SID Committee

School Improvement and Development (SID) Committee

Governors serving on this Committee are:

Joanne Tapp (Vice Chair of Governors/Chair of SID/Foundation Governor), Ann Starr (Chair of Governors/Foundation Governor), Caroline Moore (Headteacher), Lynne Stanley (Staff Governor), Thomas Coe (Parent Governor),  (Parent Governor), and Ann Pickering (Foundation Governor)

The Key Functions of the SID Committee are as follows:


1) Pupil Attainment and Progress; Governors set targets for attainment and progress and, once a year, receive a detailed report on academic achievement. We look at the progress of the whole school broken down by year groups, and then receive information on other groups of children; boys/girls, summer boys/girls, children with Special Educational Needs, children for whom the school is in receipt of the Pupil Premium and others. Governors ensure that standards are being maintained and that all individual groups are making acceptable progress. At one meeting per year we also receive a detailed report of children in the Reception Class


2) Setting the School Agenda; there are three key documents that chart the way in which the school is managed. 


The Self Evaluation Form (SEF) is the school’s own assessment of the school’s current position and what needs to be done to make the school a better one for all of its stakeholders.

The School Development Plan (SDP) sets the priorities for the coming year and makes a detailed plan to meet the targets for those priority areas.

Finally a Raising Achievement Plan (RAP) looks at a key area of the school’s responsibility that Governors and Staff feel needs some improvement and sets a detailed plan to make those improvements. It is the responsibility of the Headteacher to prepare these plans and the Governors have oversight of these preparations. In particular, the preparation of the SDP starts with a meeting between SID Governors and all staff to set out the priorities for the coming year and ideas for development. The Headteacher then develops the plan which Governors approve.


3) Special Educational Needs (SEN); the school has a statutory responsibility to assess children for their special educational needs and to take this into account in determining the resources applied to these children and the care that they are given by staff.
Governors take this responsibility very seriously and have oversight of this process, through a dedicated SEN Governor, Ann Starr. Ann works closely with the SEN co-ordinator and makes a report to each meeting on the issues arising from the management of SEN. The SEN co-ordinator has access to the committee at any time and once a year is invited to review the current situation with Governors.


4) Developing and Reviewing Policies; the school has a large number of policies detailing practice in many areas of the school’s life. These policies are reviewed frequently and new policies are continually being added.
Jo Tapp, has taken on responsibility for liaising with the Headteacher to bring these to the SID committee for their approval and she gives us her expert opinion on their suitability to our situation. These documents, once they have been approved, are placed on the school’s website.

The SID Governors meet 5 times per year, usually about two weeks before the meeting of the full Governing Body (FGB), to enable recommendations to the FGB to be passed on in a timely manner.