Children throughout the school have lessons in RE in their class groups. They learn about Christian beliefs and festivals and explore stories from the Bible. They also learn about other faiths and world religions, principally Judaism at Key Stage 1 and Hinduism at Key Stage 2, and visits to places of worship are organised.
A daily act of worship is held each day for the whole school and this is predominantly Christian, although many of the messages conveyed are common to other faiths.
We enjoy close links with Ombersley Church, sharing assemblies and visits throughout the year. If parents do not wish their child to take part in any part of the RE programme they have the right of withdrawal and should contact the Headteacher about this.
A daily act of worship is held each day for the whole school and this is predominantly Christian, although many of the messages conveyed are common to other faiths.
We enjoy close links with Ombersley Church, sharing assemblies and visits throughout the year. If parents do not wish their child to take part in any part of the RE programme they have the right of withdrawal and should contact the Headteacher about this.