1. What kinds of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are provided for?
Children with SEND have learning difficulties and/or physical disabilities which make it harder for them to learn than most children of the same age. They will need extra support or different help e.g. modified tasks, extra time or breaks in formal assessments. We take guidance from Worcester County Council’s Ordinarily Available document to ensure that we are following the requirements as outlined in ‘Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Code of Practice 0-25 years (2014)’ (Code of Practice), please click on the link below.
Special educational needs and provision can be considered as falling under four broad areas.
Communication and interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, mental and emotional health
- Sensory and/or physical
2. How do we identify children with SEN and how do we assess their needs?
Pupils might enter school with previously identified SEND. The progress and attainment of all pupils is reviewed every half term by the Senior Leadership Team in conjunction with the class teacher. If a child fails to make adequate progress or is observed to be unable to access the regular curriculum after making reasonable adjustments (we take guidance from Worcester County Council’s Ordinarily Available Document), extra support or provision is put in place. There are three different levels of support:
Wave 1 describes quality inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all the pupils in the classroom. It includes providing differentiated work and creating an inclusive learning environment. (Children requiring this ‘wave’ of support’ will NOT be classified as SEN SUPPORT)
Wave 2 describes specific, additional and time-limited interventions (normally on a 6 weekly assess and review cycle) provided for some pupils who need help to accelerate their progress to enable them to work at or above age-related expectations. They are often targeted at a group of pupils with similar needs.
Wave 3 describes targeted provision for a minority of pupils where it is necessary to provide highly tailored interventions to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential.
On pages 73-75 the Code of Practice explains that once a potential SEN is identified, four types of action are needed to put effective support in place. These actions form part of a cycle through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with the growing understanding of the pupil’s needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress.
The Code states that this process is known as the ‘graduated approach’. The four actions are:
1) Assess: the class teacher and SENCO should thoroughly analyse a pupil’s needs before identifying a child as needing SEN support
1) Assess: the class teacher and SENCO should thoroughly analyse a pupil’s needs before identifying a child as needing SEN support
2) Plan: parents must be notified wherever it is decided that a pupil is to be provided with SEN support
3) Do: the class or subject teacher should remain responsible for working with the child on a daily basis. Where the interventions involve group or 1-1 teaching away from the main teacher, he/she should still retain responsibility for the pupil
4) Review: the effectiveness of the support should be reviewed in line with the agreed date
We continue to follow this graduated approach. More detailed information about the Graduated Reponse and the requirements for school to manage children presenting with additional needs can be found by following this link: http://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/downloads/file/7316/special_educational_needs_ordinarily_available
3. Who are key members of staff?
Mrs C Moore – Head Teacher
Mrs A Starr – Chair of Governors
Mrs J Bragg – SENCO
Mrs A Pickering – SEN Governor
4. What Does It Mean If My Child Is Identified As Having SEND?
If your child is identified as having a special educational need, you will be informed by our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO). With your consent, your child will be added to our school SEND register at ‘SEN Support’. A Provision Plan will be created for your child, outlining targets relating to their personal area/s of need.
If your child is identified as having a special educational need, you will be informed by our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO). With your consent, your child will be added to our school SEND register at ‘SEN Support’. A Provision Plan will be created for your child, outlining targets relating to their personal area/s of need.
5. What is the parents role? How are parents involved in their child’s education?
Parents are invited to provision meetings with the SENCO and class teacher on a termly basis; this is in addition to biannual parents’ evenings. The SENCO is available, through the office on Wednesday mornings. School offers an open door policy with regard to contacting members of staff. Provision plans contain activities and strategies for supporting targets at home; this is in addition to class ‘homework’. We also operate home school link books when appropriate. Parents are informed at every stage of the identification and monitoring processes and their input is warmly encouraged.
During termly provision meetings targets are reviewed and new targets are set. These meetings are led by the class teacher with the support of the SENCO. Children are included in the meetings when appropriate or they may be included at a different time. Pupil voice is always included when reviewing the targets.
Page 76 of the Code of Practice explains that where a pupil is receiving SEN support, schools should meet parents at least termly to:
- Set clear goals
- Discuss the activities and support that will help achieve them
- Review progress and identify the responsibilities of the parent, pupil and the school
6. How do we assess and review children’s progress towards outcomes?
All children are formally assessed against National Curriculum levels on a half termly basis. This is done through recorded work and observations. Children with SEND will have specific targets linked to their need and will be discussed at Pupil Progress meetings to continually evaluate and update provision for children with SEND.
Wave 2 interventions have targets set at the start of the half term. Each child is assessed against the expected outcome after 6 weeks. These targets are also worked towards and embedded through day to day school life and progress tracked by the class teacher. Parents and children’s views are also welcomed in the assessment process.
Wave 3 interventions are when children have specific targets set. These targets are reviewed on a termly basis by the class teacher and key members of staff. Parents and children’s views are also welcomed in the assessment process. This takes place as provision meetings
7. How are children supported when moving between phases of education?
We have good links with all the schools within the pyramid and we plan in opportunities for collaborative working. We recognise the value of a smooth transition for all pupils. Within school smooth year to year transitions are ensured through open strong relationships with all staff and all children and regular collaborative sessions. Extra visits are planned and meetings with ‘new’ staff. We use Social Stories to embed the changes. We take guidance from Worcestershire’s Transition Tool Kit. Children are aware of key members of staff- ‘a helping hand’ who they can talk through any concerns or worries. If it is deemed necessary key members of staff are temporarily used to support transition. Transition action plans are tailored to a child’s individual needs following consultation with key stakeholders.
8. How do we teach children with SEND?
All children are assessed and monitored carefully. Staff are all fully aware and have access to children’s reports and records. These are used to personalise teaching approaches according to the individual children’s needs. Every effort is made to ensure that children with SEND are able to access all aspects of the curriculum that is provided for their peers. We do this through quality first teaching. Long term aims are identified and provision is planned to meet these aims. Regular and careful monitoring means that provision can be evaluated and carefully targeted to each child’s needs.
9. How is the curriculum and learning environment adapted for children with SEND? How are children with SEND enabled to engage in activities available with children who do not have SEND?
Under the Code, children with complex SEND will be given an EHC plan, and the support outlined in these plans will be provided in collaboration with the local authority (LA). It will be the school’s responsibility to provide for all other children with additional needs. We endeavour to provide an inclusive environment, for more details see our inclusion policy. No child should be unable to access learning opportunities because of any SEND. Careful planning and preparation through quality first Teaching is the first approach to ensure children’s needs are catered for. If necessary extra support will be implemented to ensure that all children can access the same learning opportunities. We carry out an Accessibility and Inclusion Audit on an annual basis and any maintenance is carried out. This audit is available on request. The Accessibility plan is available on the school web site.
10. How are our staff trained to support children with SEND? How and which expertise is used to support children with SEND?
We annually evaluate the needs of all children including those who require SEN support. All staff audit their skills each year and staff are carefully deployed according to their strengths and the children needs. Provision is carefully planned. Targets for SEN provision are embedded into the Schools development plan and training is carefully planned in. Recently all staff have been trained in Team Teach, Dyslexia and the use of Numicon. Specific training has been attended by individuals on Speech and Language, Early Years, counselling techniques, attachment etc. we regularly and carefully review the quality of teaching and how children with SEN are catered for. We hold termly provision meetings where we review policy and procedures. The SENCO presents to and attends Full Governor meetings and Sub Committees on an at least termly basis.
11. How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our SEND Provision?
Along with monitoring children’s progress in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science on a half termly basis we review their social and emotional well being during Pupil Progress Meetings. These meetings are held every half term with the Senior Management Team and Class Teachers. In these meetings the progress of pupils with SEND is a focus. It is expected that children will be making at least expected progress, the aim being accelerated progress in order that they will close the attainment gap.
12. What support is available for improving emotional and social development?
The well-being of all of our pupils is extremely important to us all. They are supported with their social and emotional development throughout the school day, through the curriculum and extra-curricular activities. Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) are integral to our curriculum and are also taught explicitly on a weekly basis. Additional support from specialist staff is arranged as needed for individual pupils, both in and out of the classroom; a personalised plan may be put in place for pupils with the highest need. Our Behaviour Policy, which includes guidance on expectations, rewards and sanctions is fully understood and in place by all staff. We are a Thrive school and follow this approach in our teaching and our relationships with the children.
We regularly monitor attendance, support pupils returning to school after absence and take the necessary actions to prevent prolonged unauthorised absence. Relevant staff are trained to support medical needs and in some cases all staff receive training. We have a medical policy in place. Pupils’ views are sought through school council and other forums.
13. How do we involve other bodies to help meet the needs of children with SEN and their families?
Following Wave 1 and Wave 2 interventions, if a child fails to make expected outcomes it may be necessary to involve outside agencies for specific support.
Educational outside agencies include: Educational Psychology (EPS); Behaviour Support Team (BST); Learning Service Team (LST); Outreach Services, including ASD (CCD team); includes English Additional Language (EAL). Specialist health services such as Speech and Language Therapy (SALT); Physical and Sensory Support Service (PSSS), which includes Hearing Impaired Service (HI) and Visually Impaired Service (VI); Occupational Therapy (OT); Physio-therapy (PT); Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS); Behaviour Clinic, other health professionals. We work with the School Nurse, Social Services, Family Support, The Early Help Hub, Parent Partnership and Community Police.
Educational outside agencies include: Educational Psychology (EPS); Behaviour Support Team (BST); Learning Service Team (LST); Outreach Services, including ASD (CCD team); includes English Additional Language (EAL). Specialist health services such as Speech and Language Therapy (SALT); Physical and Sensory Support Service (PSSS), which includes Hearing Impaired Service (HI) and Visually Impaired Service (VI); Occupational Therapy (OT); Physio-therapy (PT); Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS); Behaviour Clinic, other health professionals. We work with the School Nurse, Social Services, Family Support, The Early Help Hub, Parent Partnership and Community Police.
14. What are the arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with SEN about provision made at the school?
The first point of contact for concerns it the Class teacher. The SENDCO, Head Teacher and Governing body are also available following this. Details of our full complaints procedure are outlined in ‘Ombersley Endowed First School Complaints Procedure’ which is available on our website or a hard copy, on request, from the school office.