Members of the Governing Body

The Chair of Governors is Ann Starr

The Chair of the Finance and General Purposes Committee is Catherine Hartley.

The Chair of the School Improvement and Development Committee is Jo Tapp.

We currently have nine Governors of the school. Nine are appointed by our Foundation, The Lloyds Educational Foundation, one is appointed by the Local Authority, Worcestershire County Council, two are elected by parents and one is elected by the staff of the school. The Headteacher becomes a Governor of the school if she wishes it. Mrs Moore has chosen to become a Governor.

Members of the Governing Body, and their designations, are:
Ann Starr

Chair of Governors - Foundation Governor

Jo Tapp

Vice Chair of Governors – Foundation Governor

Local Authority Representative

Lynne Stanley

Staff Governor

Frank Cody

Foundation Governor

Simon Grainger-Lloyd

Foundation Governor

Ann Pickering

Foundation Governor

Nicki Williams

Foundation Governor

Parent Governor

Thomas Coe

Parent Governor

Caroline Moore


Lisa Haggitt


The Parent Governors are elected by all parents and act as representative parents on the governing body – voicing parental views and concerns.

The Chair of Governors may be contacted by post or email through the school office.