School Uniform

School uniform is encouraged as follows:

Purple V necked jumper with school logo (or cardigan)

White shirt or polo shirt

School purple and gold striped clip on tie

Grey skirt/pinafore/culottes

Grey trousers

Grey shorts

Purple, grey or black tights or white or grey socks

Purple Summer dress

Black shoes (no sandals or boots)


Book Bags

Each child will need a reading bag in which they can carry reading books, reading record books, library books and letters to and from home. These are available using the link below.

PE Kit - School branded

Purple T-shirt
Black shorts
Trainers - no plimsoles 
Named PE bag

Outdoor PE Kit (from 2nd Term)

Tracksuit bottoms

If applicable it is advised that a spare pair of socks is put in the PE bags if your daughter wears tights to school.
PE kit available using the link below.

Forest School Kit

Waterproof trousers & coat (all-in-ones are very difficult for the children to put on independently)
Hat and gloves
Warm coat
Wellingtons (to be left in school at all times)