
In our English teaching we aim to develop pupils’ abilities to communicate effectively in speech and writing, to listen with understanding and to become enthusiastic and responsive readers.

Pupils’ abilities are developed within an integrated programme of speaking and listening, reading and writing. This is usually implemented through a daily Literacy lesson for Years 1 to 4, and is linked to the class topic whenever appropriate.

Children are encouraged to speak clearly, fluently and with confidence in groups of varying sizes and ages and to listen and respond to other people. Drama is used whenever possible which helps in bringing the curriculum to life.

Reading is an important daily activity and children are encouraged to read and enjoy the wide range of books we have available. We aim to teach reading through the enjoyment of books, and reading activities are planned for every day, including guided reading and story. Parent volunteers work in partnership with the school to support this shared reading every morning. Teacher-chosen books, with a more carefully levelled vocabulary, are used for guided reading sessions when the children work in ability groups. Comprehension, expression and discussion skills are developed in these sessions. Parents take an active part in developing the joy of reading by sharing the books brought home each day and making comments in the reading diary. This should be a comfortable, stress-free and enjoyable time for both parent and child. We encourage the use of a variety of cues such as prediction, meaning and phonics.

Children from Reception to Year 2 are taught synthetic phonics on a daily basis through Floppy Phonics. This is levelled and is linked to their spellings. Throughout the school children are encouraged to learn spellings at home every day for a weekly test.

We have a very well stocked library.

Writing skills are developed through literacy lessons using Talk for writing in which the children tell stories using actions and immerse in the text before writing.