Oak Class 2024/25


Reception - Oak Class
Welcome to Reception Class 2024/25.
Hello and welcome to Reception's page. 
Mr Postans is our Class Teacher - We are supported by Teaching Assistants, Mrs Hills, Miss Shekells & Mrs Rudge.
We are very busy in Reception learning lots of new skills and solving problems. 
We enjoy singing and dancing activities and making lots of things with junk!! We can't wait to use our outdoor environment as much as possible where we learn and play in the various areas such as construction, water and den building. We love reading books and enjoy social time with our friends when we get to chat and tell stories about our home and families. We have daily phonics and maths lessons and learn about the world through our Fantastic topics which are:
All about me
Terrific Tales
Ticket to Ride
Come Outside
Amazing Animals 
Fun at the Seaside
This is the final foundation year for your children, they will have access to a range of areas of learning including:

Four Specific areas of learning:
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts & Design
Three Prime areas of learning:
  • Personal, Social & Emotional development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication & Language
Forest School:

On a Friday morning we go to Forest School, during this time the children will have chance to explore the outdoor grounds. They will have the chance to build different objects, explore the outdoor musical instruments, search for mini beasts and take part in lots of nature walks. The children should have a pair of wellies and waterproofs in school at all times. The school can supply a purple all in one waterproof suit for a small cost, if you are interested please speak to the school office.


Oak class take part in PE on a Tuesday afternoon. Children are to come to school in PE kits. Please ensure that every item is clearly labelled